©Marie-France L'Ecuyer
Professional Photography

The best approach to becoming a professional photographer

Language of instruction : French

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Welcoming international students

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Nous pouvons vous fournir des informations pour la recherche de votre hébergement. Comme il arrive souvent, certains de nos étudiants de l’extérieur de la ville ou du pays se regroupent et partagent un logement pour la période des cours. Consulter les liens pratiques suivants : Kijiji , Easy Roomate et Evo Montréal.

Using Photoshop, Lightroom, Premiere, Illustrator software

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Creating a portfolio

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Discover the richness and diversity of the work of our alumni through their portfolio developed as part of their photography classes at Marsan.

Placement service during and after the training

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Access to free studios or labs after class activities

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Les étudiants ont accès aux studios et laboratoires numériques gratuitement à raison de 15 heures par semaine pour s’exercer et réaliser leurs travaux.

Marie-Eve Doyon, student

“My studies at Marsan allowed me to connect with the artist in me and to surround myself with people as different as each other, but all inhabited by a common passion.”

Marie-Eve Doyon, student - Promo 2018

Marianne Larivière, student

“Studying at Marsan allowed me to grow and develop my creative eye. In addition to adding valuable tools to my bow, I have made wonderful knowledge and participated in outstanding projects. I highly recommend anyone who wants to venture into the world of photography!”

Marianne Larivière, student - Promo 2016

Sandra Larochelle, student

“Photography Studies is an intensive immersion that develops the technical skills and a framework that is essential for getting into a business practice.”

Sandra Larochelle, student - Promo 2015


What is the COST OF THE PROGRAM? chevron-down copy 3 Created with Sketch.

How to register? chevron-down copy 3 Created with Sketch.

What is the COST OF THE PROGRAM? chevron-down copy 3 Created with Sketch.

What is the DURATION OF THE PROGRAM? chevron-down copy 3 Created with Sketch.

What are the CONDITIONS for admission to the program? chevron-down copy 3 Created with Sketch.